If you are a Sole Proprietor and your personal credit record is in bad shape because of a debt review, a judgment against your name or because you are under administration it will certainly affect your business as well.
There is no difference between the sole proprietor as an individual and the business itself, meaning if your credit record is in question and you incurred debt in your personal capacity, it will impact your business as well because it is seen as the same entity, natural and legal interchanged.
This means that if you are looking to expand your sole propriety business, but you are currently under debt review, you will not be able to apply for any credit until you obtain ITC Clearance.
ITC Clearance refers to the process by which your credit record is cleared at the Credit Bureau so you can proceed to make credit applications should you wish to obtain assets.
If you want to make a credit application to boost your sole proprietary business through renovations, expansion, or additional staff employment and you need ITC Clearance to do so, our expert team at Susa Debt can assist you to obtain ITC Clearance so you can proceed to expand your sole proprietary business.
Our team of specialists at Susa Debt have years of experience in the obtainment of ITC Clearance for our valuable customers and we are here to help you obtain ITC Clearance as well.
We follow the necessary processes and procedures combined with the required skills and expertise to help our clients with their credit record. Susa Debt will also assist you in obtaining an ITC Clearance certificate once ITC Clearance is obtained so you can provide proof to creditors that your credit record is up to standard.
Once ITC Clearance is obtained you are free to make new credit applications for your business which can assist you with the growth and development of your business and in return benefit yourself.
If your credit record is currently in bad shape and you are a sole proprietor contact our specialists at Susa Debt today and browse our website for more information, so we can take the stress of clearing your credit record from your hands and put it in the hands of our experts at Susa Debt, we are here to help you make this happen so your business will be able grow as you envisioned it to.